Thursday 31 January 2013

The good and the bad

Good - Well Chinese New Year Holiday has begun we are on holiday
Bad - Marking is continuing through all hours of the day and I am very very tired
Bad(for me)/good (for them)  - colleagues are flying off to different parts of the world
Good - it was like a warm summeres evening compared to welsh standards last night
Bad - cant see outside the window today due to mist or fog or rain not quite sure what it is
GOOD - in 3 or 4 days time (depending on time zone) Charlie and Beattie are coming to stay :-)
And we will be seeing lots of things some new to me but will be nice sharing them and Suzhou with family
And go on walks ...... I live near Casa Zoe(not Casa Zoe II)  although some may say we live in Casa Zoes
Red line marks a lovely walk with views of many many different things ending up in Times Square amazing how it only takes a couple of hours to get to USA and you can walk it just like walking to Central park,

Best be off to buy pillows, towels and other essential items when you are having guests to stay....ttfn xxxxx


  1. I am sure you will feel better once the marking is over and you had a good night's sleep. Having visitors will also give you boundless energy because it must be very exciting to share your new life with them.
    I have almost finished my marking now. Deadline is next Tuesday. After that I will have to write my report and mark specimen scripts.
    Enjoy your holidays and have fun with your visitors.

  2. Why did you buy towels I could have sent two with Charlie and ones I do not need....silly girl....xxxx

  3. bought towels as it means they dont have to pack any so spare room in their suitcase and same for anyone else that comes over ..thank you for the thought though x
