Saturday 12 January 2013

Oh how the weather changes

Oh how the weather changes here in minute freezing and all heaters on and triple fleece blankets on your bed to mist you can hardly see anything through and pouring rain.
Goes from this last night
to this and pouring down reminding me of Wales
Oh well at least I am apartment bound today so the weather does not affect me : report writing, lesson planning, ironing, sorting things out for the presentation on Friday, the art exhibition a week on Friday, making soup, and preparing for the no sleep marking to start on Friday.
The on the 5th Feb Charlie and Beattie come and I am so excited to have visitors :-)
Catch up again sometime


  1. Overnight we've had a heavy frost so I'm not looking forward to going out in it today. Finally a day off work and I will be mostly packing in preparation for going on holiday on 21st.

    Can't wait. Stay warm, dry and Purple!!

  2. It is not raining here in Wales yet, but give it a chance!

  3. Oh yes it has been...tried to snow but changed to rain. :)
