Friday 11 January 2013

Busy week/Wawa evening

Ok just got in from an evening in Wawa Wewe with Dan (welsh angelsey) Rebecca (welsh South wales) another Dan (Hirwen South wales) Julie (Chinese), Colin (Irish), Jake (English) and Kristin (USA)........... and I will be writing reports all day tomorrow and Sunday and will be Casa Zoe tomorrow evening and margharita time.  Sorry it has been a busy one so no blog for a few days with the highlight being the return of the Irish musical one. 
Check out the art dept site all 4 sections of it on:
Shows what I have been up to if you are interested, not just sitting back and enjoying chinese life full of toilet seat covers, chickens feet, spitting and other quirky features but have been working the same if not harder than before and loving every mintue of it. Looking forward to Charlie and Beattie coming over in two and a half weeks and then Sam and Irene not long after that and then home for the Summer and when I return some more visitors.
Night all xxx


  1. I had a look at the gallery and especially liked picture 4 with the nose sticking out. The picture appeared to be almost three dimensional.Strange that most portraits looked very westernized.
    The Christmas Cards were lovely as well.
    We are off to Cardiff on Monday for an examiners meeting. We have only got 116 papers to mark this time - apart from the moderating ones.

  2. My marking for AQA on line starts on Thursday .................going to try and see if I can work it from here.

    1. Good luck with your marking!

    2. Good Luck with marking Karen hope you can keep awake and the system doesn't lock you out...xxxxx
