Monday 31 December 2012

New Year Suzhou

Daily quote from the calendar given me by my good friend Sue Illingworth
"This year isn't going to be like every other year.  This is a new year.  It may have elements of others.  Yet it is unique.  We may try to make it the same in our minds and not be open to the new opportunities presented us.  BUT IT IS UP TO US."
Last New Year I faced 3 interwiews all for international jobs and references taken for others and faced the prospect of leaving the comfort zone of a place I had lived all my life, a place I had worked for over 20 years,.......I thought it was a whim, could I really take that jump the biggest jump I had ever made in my life, could I really leave my girls, family, friends and Brook behind, was I being selfish doing something for me for the first scared the hell out of me.  BUT I did it and if I managed it so can does not have to be a huge leap as I made even a tiny one can make a big difference, take that walk up snowdon I did and had the blisters to prove it but had a great time with some good friends, take up a new hobby, be fitter, see an old friend, decorate that room, save for that holiday (come see me lol), put that work to the side and spend time with a loved one or just enjoy being you. 
I am not making any resolutions but I would like to make more of an effort this year to learn Mandarin (it may help lol), now I am settled here I can start to look after myself be fitter and now learn to like me and be happy with me, start doing my own art work again. 
Have a great new year everyone and do one little thing different, it will be worth it.
Gosh I am getting philosophical in my old will be lighter I promise just the New Year is a time for reflection and change.


Well I managed to stay up till midnight to see the New Year in standing on my balcony wrapped up warm with a cup of tea overlooking Jinji lake and watching the fireworks on the other side.  Very spectacular show ans they have been going on as is always the case here throughout the night.  Apparently during Chinese New Year in February armageddon could hit and you would not notice it in China as it would be drwined out by all the celebratory fireworks.

When Jake and Rebecca said it was cold here they were not wrong.  I feel like a pilsbury dough man (for those of you who are too young google him) from all the choc and good food I had in the uk and I will be turing into the Michelin man (again google him) with all the layers I have to put on to keep warm here.


  1. Sorry for the spelling mistakes as those of you who know me spelling is not my strong point and even worse with a dodgy computer key pad and freezing cold fingers apologies but I try to check and I miss things but that is me lol xx

  2. Happy New Year to you. We had a very quiet one here with a fondue and a bottle of wine. At 11 we watched the firework display in Berlin ( one hour ahead of UK ) and at 12 the London one. I was actually thinking of you when I saw a clip of the Shanghai fireworks on the news.
    Have a good start to the year and thanks for your wise words.
    Best wishes
