Monday 31 December 2012

New Year Suzhou

Daily quote from the calendar given me by my good friend Sue Illingworth
"This year isn't going to be like every other year.  This is a new year.  It may have elements of others.  Yet it is unique.  We may try to make it the same in our minds and not be open to the new opportunities presented us.  BUT IT IS UP TO US."
Last New Year I faced 3 interwiews all for international jobs and references taken for others and faced the prospect of leaving the comfort zone of a place I had lived all my life, a place I had worked for over 20 years,.......I thought it was a whim, could I really take that jump the biggest jump I had ever made in my life, could I really leave my girls, family, friends and Brook behind, was I being selfish doing something for me for the first scared the hell out of me.  BUT I did it and if I managed it so can does not have to be a huge leap as I made even a tiny one can make a big difference, take that walk up snowdon I did and had the blisters to prove it but had a great time with some good friends, take up a new hobby, be fitter, see an old friend, decorate that room, save for that holiday (come see me lol), put that work to the side and spend time with a loved one or just enjoy being you. 
I am not making any resolutions but I would like to make more of an effort this year to learn Mandarin (it may help lol), now I am settled here I can start to look after myself be fitter and now learn to like me and be happy with me, start doing my own art work again. 
Have a great new year everyone and do one little thing different, it will be worth it.
Gosh I am getting philosophical in my old will be lighter I promise just the New Year is a time for reflection and change.


Well I managed to stay up till midnight to see the New Year in standing on my balcony wrapped up warm with a cup of tea overlooking Jinji lake and watching the fireworks on the other side.  Very spectacular show ans they have been going on as is always the case here throughout the night.  Apparently during Chinese New Year in February armageddon could hit and you would not notice it in China as it would be drwined out by all the celebratory fireworks.

When Jake and Rebecca said it was cold here they were not wrong.  I feel like a pilsbury dough man (for those of you who are too young google him) from all the choc and good food I had in the uk and I will be turing into the Michelin man (again google him) with all the layers I have to put on to keep warm here.

Back in Suzhou

I had a fantastic time seeing my two gorgeous very special daughters, my supportive family and my good friends whilst I have been home and it has been great to be back in Wales which is my home with the people I love and in my own home.  But being home has also made me realise that I will always have a home in wales with a family in wales but this move to a new job, 6000 miles away, 8 hours time difference, new country, new life, new friends was the right move for me.  It has changed my outlook on life, given me new energy and enthusiasm for myself and my work and the picture below really says it all.  Even at the age of 50 when you think you just about cant take anymore or work any harder something comes along to help you see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Well here I am once again in Suzhou and suprisingly enough the journey although very long from door to door went remarkedly well.  Have to say ................leaving at 9am on Sunaday morning taking car back to car hire at Manchester airport............. flight to Doha at 2.10pm then 7 hours later arrive in Doha with 50 minutes to get to next flight (nice Doha staff showed me the easy way and through I went no problem) ..........then flight with empty seat next to me :-) another 7 hours to Shanghai .... no queues at immigration straight through.....bags off first..........driver waiting to pick me up "Karen Tea" lol  (sign not as good as Charlies and Beatties when they met me at Manchester).............90 minute drive to Suzhou.....was all very smooth.  Some lovely pics of moon and sunrise from 33000 feet over the sea and India but having probs with getting them off my phone so will add when I can figure it out lol.

Very cold here but dry unlike Wales at the minute and snow on the ground ...thank heavens for all the jumpers, hoodies and boots I packed.  Heating on in the apartment then out for dinner with the Casa Zoe gang and a catch up with new friends and people who have made the transition for me here so much easier with their friendship and support .......Rebecca, Dan, Sophie (aged 3), Jake, Michael.............lovely to catch up over a margharita or two.

Now time to chill cup of tea, some chocolate, make the bed, find what delights I have packed and then crawl into bed with a thick duvet and hot water bottle as I can feel myself flagging now. 

Its New Year in 1 hour  here in Suzhou but I dont think I am going to make it and for those of you in the UK you will just be celebrating midnight when I am waking at 8am so may still be able to wish you a happy New Year.


Saturday 29 December 2012


Welcome to 'Abergele to Suzhou'.

First thing's first: this is not Karen writing but her eldest daughter, Sam. While she will be writing all future posts I thought I'd write an intro to tell you what it's all going to be about.

My Mum took a HUGE leap of faith this year and moved from North Wales... China. Both Charlie, my younger sister, and myself are so proud of her. So far, she's been out there for three months (give-or-take) and during that time she's been emailing a lot of people a lot of photos... I've set up this blog for her!

She'll be sharing her day-to-day adventures here: her exploring, her work, her LIFE! There will be photographs and posts and (no doubt) a lot of lovely, random, inspirational other-stuffs!

That's it. I just wanted to welcome you all here and give Mum a little bit of a head start; she's leaving Wales for China tomorrow and I don't think she'll get a whole lot of time to play around with this in the coming week.

Mum educating us in the ways of Whitesnake

Sam xx