Thursday 11 April 2013

mock exams, being ill and grand prix

Its been aa week of whole school mock exams whcih is strange but as we are GCSE and A level centre the whole school is on exams and invigilation time for staff.

Today (Thursday) i am a little frafragile after being sick till 3am this morning think it was the meal I had out that did not agree with me but hopefully I will be better tomorrow.  Spent the day in school doing everything gently and tentatively thank goodness it was invigilation, fingers crossed for tomorrow.

Saturday and Sunday I am off to the Shanghai Formula One  grand prix so fingers crossed I am feeling 100% for that.

I ahve a new agent for the apartment and she is a star within a week she has had my cooker, toilet, gas and tv all fixed and is organising for the 2 balcony windows to be re sealed and sorted over the summer holidays whilst i am away ready for the next winter.

Sorry this is a boring blog no pics today but watch this space for grand prix ones...............oh and the weather is glorious here I wish it could stay at this temp but we know it is going to rocket the humidity really step up.........................Night

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are feeling better...hope you enjoy the Grand Prix.....Sam says that Amy is lovely....she certainly souds to be a little miracle worker....xxxxxxxxxxxx
