Friday 23 August 2013

Staff Chinese indoor BBq...............very warm on the inside, very warm on the outside 90 degrees and 80% humidity although it feels way way more .........a chance for new and old staff to mingle and geet to know each for a weekend to chill, unpack, catch up with sleep and get through the delayed jet lag.

Wednesday 21 August 2013


I must apologise to my sister and anyone else who reads this for:
  1. How long it is since I have written it
  2. For not informing people I was heading back to the UK
  3. For not writing about my UK holiday
My main reason for doing it was that the link is saved on this computer here and when I finally found the link whilst in UK it did not have my log in details on it nor did I have them with me so I was unable to access it till now.

I had a great time in Wales with family and friends although the weather was not how I wanted it to be when I returned..........i left Suzhou in 102 degrees and 95% humidity and I got to the UK hoping for gorgeous Welsh rain to be greeted with a UK heatwave, not ass hot as china and the highest temperatures they ahve been having for 150 years but it was still hotter than I wanted it to be.  Had a lovely time though with my girlies who I am so proud of and my parents, sister and bro in lwa who I love dearly.

I am now back here in China in Suzhou and I arrived back on Monday after a 6.5 hour flight and an 8 hour flight and a 1.5 car trip from UK back to apartment, then was in work for 7 the next morning.  As yet jet lag has not caught up with me but I am still waiting and I am  sure it will do when the hecticness of this week finsihes and I collapse in a heap at the weekend.

I promise I will keep up to date with what is going on in my second year of China and it promises to be as interesting and as different as the first year.